Eleven-year clinical performance of a premolar restoration made of an indirect microfilled composite material: a case report

Mitsuo Nakamura, DDS, PhD,a,b Hideo Matsumura, DDS, PhD,b,c and Osamu Saiki, DDSd

aPrivate Practice, Ichikawa, bDepartment of Fixed Prosthodontics, cDivision of Advanced Dental Treatment, Dental Research Center, Nihon University School of Dentistry, and dNihon University Graduate School of Dentistry, Tokyo, Japan

This report describes a clinical course of a premolar restoration made of a microfilled composite material. A single restoration made of the Gradia indirect composite material was seated to mandibular second premolar of a 57-year-old female patient. During the course of regular check-up, both second and adjacent first molar were extracted. Although the premolar restoration is functioning for more than 11 years, loss of anatomic form at the occlusal table is apparent. Care must be taken in application of a microfilled indirect composite material to posterior occlusal planes.
(Asian Pac J Dent 2014; 14: 19-21.)
Key Words: indirect restoration, microfilled composite, wear