A fundamental bonding technique for silver-palladium-copper- gold alloy framework to be veneered with indirect composite material

Hideyuki Imai, DMC, BA, MDS, PhD,a,b Hiroyasu Koizumi, DDS, PhD,b,c and Hideo Matsumura, DDS, PhDa,b,c

aDental Technician School, bDepartment of Fixed Prosthodontics, and cDivision of Advanced Dental Treatment, Dental Research Center, Nihon University School of Dentistry, Tokyo, Japan

Indirect composite material and metallic framework are chemo-mechanically bonded with adhesive systems. This technical report describes a fundamental bonding technique for silver-palladium-copper-gold alloy. The procedure reported here is applicable in fabrication of both single restorations and fixed dental prostheses.
(Asian Pac J Dent 2015; 15: 21-23.)
Key Words: adhesive, bonding, primer, silver-palladium-copper-gold alloy